Walmart flyer - June 27 - July 03, 2024 - page 10 *

thumbnail - Walmart Flyer - June 27, 2024 - July 03, 2024 - Sales products - Kraft®, marshmallows, macaroni & cheese, pasta, ready meal, snack, Heinz, BBQ sauce, sauce, salad dressing, dressing, ketchup, marinade, mayonnaise, Miracle Whip. Page 10.
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* Valid at these Walmart stores

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Price overview

Product Description
Kraft®, marshmallows
Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows - Each. 400g. #30639296  
Kraft®, macaroni & cheese, macaroni, pasta, pâtes, ready meal
Kraft Dinner Three Cheese Macaroni and Cheese - 175 g. 50281132/4.  
Kraft®, macaroni & cheese, macaroni, pasta, pâtes, ready meal, snack
Kraft Dinner Macaroni and Cheese Snack Cup - 58 g. #9219937  
Heinz Condiment 3-Pack - Pack. 3 x 375 mL. #30318206.  
BBQ sauce, Kraft®, sauce
Kraft BBQ Sauce - Each. 455 ml. #30332711  

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