Bagels - Current prices from flyers


Price overview

logo - Walmart
Great Value Bagels 6-Pack  


logo - Walmart
Great Value Bagels 6-Pack  


logo - Maxi
bagels Gadoua 6 un. - certaines variétés bagels selected varieties  


logo - No Frills
No Frills
D'ITALIANO BREAD 600/675 g, BUNS 6/8' s or BAGELS 6' s or COUNTRY HARVEST BREAD 600/650 g or BAGELS 6' s - selected varieties pain ou petits pains  


logo - No Frills
No Frills
D'ITALIANO BREAD 600/675 g, BUNS 6/8' s or BAGELS 6' s or COUNTRY HARVEST BREAD 600/650 g or BAGELS 6' s - selected varieties pain ou petits pains pain ou petits pains  



* The price can vary in different stores

** The price may be VAT exclusive

Where it's on sale - bagels
The product bagels is currently on special offer in several places and can be bought at a discount price in Atlantic Superstore, Food Basics, Foodland, FreshCo., IGA, IGA Simple Goodness, Independent, Loblaws, Maxi, Metro, No Frills, Real Canadian Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mart, Sobeys, Sobeys Urban Fresh, Super C, Walmart.

Where it's the cheapest - bagels
The very lowest price of bagels can be found in Walmart, where it costs $1.97 in the special offers which they currently have there.  This special offer is valid from February 27, to March 05, 2025.


Bagels - the lowest price

Appearance in flyers

Where to buy - bagels

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