Danone - Current prices from flyers


Price overview

logo - No Frills
No Frills
DANONE ACTIVIA or OIKOS DRINKABLE YOGURT, 190 mL - selected varieties yogourt à boire  


logo - Maxi
YOGOURT ACTIVIA, 650 G OU TWO GOOD 4 UN. DANONE | yogurt - certaines variétés selected varieties  


logo - No Frills
No Frills
DANONE ACTIVIA TUBS, 650 g or DANINO KIDS DRINKABLES, 6's YOGURT - Selected varieties Contenants de yogourt ou yogourt à boire  


logo - No Frills
No Frills
DANONE ACTIVIA 8'S OR TWO GOOD TUBS 625 G YOGURT - Selected varieties Yogourt  


logo - Shoppers Drug Mart
Shoppers Drug Mart
PC FREE-RUN EGGS (1 Dozen) or DANONE ACTIVIA YOGURT (8 x 100g) - Selected Types  



* The price can vary in different stores

** The price may be VAT exclusive

Where it's on sale - Danone
The product Danone is currently on special offer in several places and can be bought at a discount price in Maxi, No Frills, Shoppers Drug Mart.

Where it's the cheapest - Danone
The very lowest price of Danone can be found in No Frills, where it costs $1.50 in the special offers which they currently have there.  This special offer is valid from December 19, to December 25, 2024.


Danone - the lowest price

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